Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lovee :)

Love: The very complicated term that is found in everyones heart in every corner at the most random moments, is an amazing feeling that can take over and make you feel as if you were living in your dream world. Where everything around you is perfect and happy. Where everything is seen the way you want it to be seen and nothing or no one can tell you different. How do you know when you've found it? Take a fourth period Physical Science class as the perfect most random place to find it. When you just can't take your eyes off that special person sitting from across the room and every time it crosses your mind a smile cracks open from your tightly sealed lips. When you suddenly feel "shook" as you cant feel your feet when they speak to you and all your strength suddenly disappears making you as weak as the smallest, most harmless creature in this universe. You know you've become familiar with this term when your home and all you can do is think about this special person, when your friends speak to you in lunch but yet all you hear is your thoughts screaming at you about this very special person. It's really just a magnificent feeling that can truly change lives.

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