Sunday, April 25, 2010

Should i or should i not?

Ever been stuck in the middle of a situation where you dont know what to do. All u say is should i should i not. Its difficult to figuire out what you really want to do. You usually go around and ask for advice and you still come back and still never listen to others and go with what you really want. I've always had that problem. and at the moment i would love for someone to answer what i should do. like if someone knew my future. This is just something that just isnt real.


Ever been on the phone and all of a sudden you hear rattling noise and three beeps after it? Well lets just say it's one of the WORST things you can do to me when your on the phone. It brings so much anger no one could possibly understand the feeling. I find it so wrong to be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly find your self with nothing but a dial tone on the other end. It can really bring up a bad side out of me. If you have bad reception get a better carrier and if you just simply like clicking on people think twice about it cause you might not like it much when its done to you.


I've always had a addiction for kids. i love them. The way they have such creative mind and how much love they carry in them. They just simply make me happy. They make me smile. They are full of life and could brighten your day anyday. My little cousin Jazmine is probably one of the people that could make me smile whenever and where ever. She's my everything and im hers. Children can make ur day. :)

2012 is it real?

So many of us might find ourselves thinking if we will make it past 2012. Honestly i am a strong believer to the possibility that we might not. Unfortunately there is much scientific proof that can back up the theory of the end of humanity after 2012. Such as the earths mantle heating and causing all sorts of natural disasters. As it has come to many people's attention it's only 2010 and so many things have happened already and i only find myself asking if it will only get worst over time. So we've already seen many earthquakes in many odd areas of the earth one being Haiti, the second being Cuba and even Puerto Rico why do i bring up only these few locations out of the many? Well simply because those are the one's nearest to Hialeah! I can not picture a natural disaster occurring in Hialeah what will all the little nail shops and cuban cafeterias do with out power and flooded. If 49th street already is hit with major traffic i wouldn't want to see what would happen if an earthquake or major hurricane would hit, it would truly be a catastrophe and it brings up the greatest fears in me.

Summer 2010

Im excited, ecstatic, amused, any word that describes being excited. I just cant wait till Summer 2010. I cant wait to wake up in the mornings and just decide to go to the beach or do whatever i please. I'll probably spend my days in beach everyday if you let me. I love the beach. Not only im i excited because i could go to the beach but in July im going on a cruise. I go on a cruise every year but im sure this year the cruise will be even better. Im so excited summer 2010 is going to be amazing i just cant wait.

Krispy Kreme

What makes Krispy Kreme doughnuts so special? As i lay hear typing this post all i can think of is a fresh hot glazed doughnut! I know it may sound pointless, but come on! what other doughnut shop comes near Krispy Kreme? I don't know exactly what it is about those doughnuts that makes them so incredibly delicious. Could it be their few locations that allows them to make a better product than it's closest rival Dunkin' Doughnuts which are found in all corners of major cities? Or could it be the fact that the actual dining place is the factory of which their made at. Or the simple fact that as a child your brainwashed by the thousands of doughnuts going through the glazing process right before your eyes as you daze in amazement through the big window. Well whatever it is i know that i would love to head over there with that special person and grab a dozen freshly made doughnuts. Wouldn't you?

Camera frustration

Im the type of girl that carries a camera everywhere. Like a photographer except i dont have one of those expensive fancy cameras. I love taking pictures and being in pictures. I go out and i think about all the pictures that could be taken. One day i went to the park with my family for a barbecue and i was taking pictures of everyone and my camara fell on the ground . i instantly picked it up hoping it wasnt broken . But to my luck when i turned it on it said lens error. Meaning their goes my camera. My camera had broken at impact! Now everytime i go out i get frustrated , i never thought that i could be without my camera. Lets hope i buy one very soon.

After college ?

After college im planning on going to a university to continue my studies until i get my PHD. I know it will take time and stress, but at the end of the day everything will be worth it. Anything could if you believe in yourself. and i believe i will succeed in life and eventually get my PHD and pursue my career as a radiologist. I want to be one of the two a Sonographer or a Radiologist. time will tell what i will do i guess.

The Past Vs. Future

Where is the future taking us? As we near the half point of 2010 a year that feels like it has just began, i start to wonder where is the future going as technology grows quickly and the past becomes history even quicker. In present day so much technology has already made major impacts on our society, do you ever wonder if it will come to an end? Well i don't believe so. I believe that as technology grows society changes and as society changes we gain knowledge. The more knowledge we gain as humans i believe the further we will get to finding a cure for diseases and life threatening illnesses such as Cancer, Aids, and Diabetes. It is not that big of a task to accomplish if you think about it and take a look at the past and compare it to the future i believe one day (if i get the honor to do so) society will look at present day life threatening illnesses as nothing more than the common cold. In history the Flu killed many people and many people thought it would never be cured, now in days you walk into your closest Walgreens or CVS and gran a medicine of the shelves and before you know it your running laps around Hialeah. Another good topic to think of when thinking of the future is how social networking sites will change the future. Back in time when there was no internet the most you had was a hand written letter delivered or a simple landline phone call, no E-mails and no Facebook oh yeah and no Blogger either. I think that this makes a major impact on society how do we maintain relationships making it so easy to stay virtually connected. Many face to face conversations are lost and many interactions of the past are nothing but history. As Facebook over takes the internet i fear for the loss of sharing a cup of coffee with my best friend (in person). I think we should all think about this.

Lovee :)

Love: The very complicated term that is found in everyones heart in every corner at the most random moments, is an amazing feeling that can take over and make you feel as if you were living in your dream world. Where everything around you is perfect and happy. Where everything is seen the way you want it to be seen and nothing or no one can tell you different. How do you know when you've found it? Take a fourth period Physical Science class as the perfect most random place to find it. When you just can't take your eyes off that special person sitting from across the room and every time it crosses your mind a smile cracks open from your tightly sealed lips. When you suddenly feel "shook" as you cant feel your feet when they speak to you and all your strength suddenly disappears making you as weak as the smallest, most harmless creature in this universe. You know you've become familiar with this term when your home and all you can do is think about this special person, when your friends speak to you in lunch but yet all you hear is your thoughts screaming at you about this very special person. It's really just a magnificent feeling that can truly change lives.

My Amazing City

Ever thought what it would feel like to live in a quiet remote area where there is never anything going on? Well if you think it through, you would realize how amazing it is to live in the beautiful city we call Miami. Aside from all the horrible traffic, crime, and cost of living. This city truly has what no other city has to offer, Nightlife and entertainment. While many other cities that thrive off of tourism like Miami, no other city goes around the clock with non-stop fun. Take Orlando for instance such a big city that's all about it's tourism, yet all of its fun ends early and suddenly after 2 am the fun filled city turns into a ghost town with not much to offer. While nightlifes a great part it's just a small part of the amazing city i live in. Take the beach for another great chunk of the amazing city, one of my favorite place in the entire world that not many places can compare to, Miami Beach is one of the most beautiful yet thrilling beaches in the WORLD and i wouldn't trade it for nothing in this universe.


Adoption is a lifelong, life-changing journey for all members of the adoption triad: birth parents, adopted people, and adoptive parents. Im really glad people choose to adopt . Theirs many families out their that would love to have children but cant. And theirs many children that are in adoption centers that will love a family that would care and love them. Im very glad adoption exsists because this makes those mothers who choose to abort choose a better life for their children. Eventually they will be loved by a family looking to adopt a child.


I believe everyone should have the right to live. Think about it, Every time someone aborts they are intentionally killing an unborn baby. Ever thought of how you would feel after aborting? Besides feeling guilty, your conscience level will rise up. Besides those two reasons you’re risking your health, life and your future plans. Though I do understand that sometimes people get pregnant by a horrible settings, those who decide to abort should really think it through and realize that aborting is going to change their life forever.

Same Sex Marriage

Honestly, if you love someone and that person loves you and you guys would like to get married their should be nothing to stop you, even if your the same sex. you should be aloud to be with whomever you wish. You shouldnt have to be punished for loving the person of the same sex.Its just something they shouldnt make illegal.

Kick-Ass (The Movie)

Released on April 16, 2010 Kick-Ass is one of the top selling movies of the week. I'm glad to be one of the many who contributed to their earnings. The movie was hilarious and very entertaining. Most of the movie takes place in third person but they do a great job in bringing in comedy with action. Kick-Ass is a kid who has absolutely no super powers but still takes on the task of fighting crime and standing up for what's right. Along the way he gets beat down and nearly dies. While being copied by many young kids and chased by many criminal masterminds who put a price on his head.


We all procrastinate. Whether its about homework , something in your job or even some errands you just don't feel like doing. I can really say procrastination is the worst. I have realized the beauty in doing and summiting everything on time. theirs nothing better than not having to stress. Procrastination is something that we ALL go through. Quick advice don't leave everything for last minute.Trust me.